
Sustained-release Peppermint Oil Relieves Irritable Bowel

In a manufacturer-sponsored trial of drome, participants experienced a relief from symptoms after taking a peppermint-oil formulation designed for sustained release in the small intestine.

Patients with a moderate amount of daily abdominal pain were randomly assigned to receive peppermint oil or a placebo. They were instructed to take the substance three times a day 30 to 90 minutes before each meal. Pre-study baseline symptoms were reviewed.

After the treatment, patients reported a significant reduction in symptoms. The peppermint oil brought about a significant improvement for each patient when compared with placebo. It helped relieve abdominal pain and dis- comfort, abdominal bloating and distention, pain at evacuation, and urgency of bowel movements. Severe symptoms improved even more, with a 67 percent decrease with pepper- mint oil and a 35 percent with placebo.

One adverse effect of the peppermint oil was indigestion, reported by one patient.
(Source: Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2015)

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