
Vitamin D Deficiency and Your Health


Researchers found a significant relationship between low vitamin D levels and heightened levels of depression among individuals with a history of psychotic disorders.
Source: Nerhus M, et al. Low vitamin D is associated with negative and depressive symptoms in psychotic disorders. Schizophrenia Research 2016.


Researchers found that vitamin D levels below 16ng/mL were associated with frequent headaches among men between the ages of 42–60 years.

Source: Virtanen J, et al. Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is associated with higher risk of frequent headache in middle-aged and older men. Scientific Reports 2016.


Maintaining greater than 30ng/mL vitamin D levels has been associated with a 60% decreased risk in developing bladder cancer among 90,757 study subjects.

Sources: Zhao Y, et al. Comparative efficacy of vitamin D status in reducing the risk of bladder cancer: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Nutrition Journal. 2016; Low vitamin D levels linked to increased risk of bladder cancer. EurekAlert! 2016.


Research suggests that gestational vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of autism-related traits in offspring.

Source: Vinkhuyzen AAE, et al. Gestational vitamin D deficiency and autism-related traits: the Generation R study. Molecular Psychiatry 2016.


Investigators discoverered that low vitamin D status may negatively impact balance among patients with ibromyalgia. Source: Aksoy M, Alton L, Metin, B. The relationship between balance and vitamin 25(OH)D in fibromyalgia patients. Modern Rheumatology 2016.

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