The Carnivore Diet

A Close Look at the Latest Diet Fad The latest trend in the diet world is the “Carnivore Diet,” a movement that started gaining popularity a few years ago. The diet primarily consists of fatty meat, especially beef, followed by lamb, pork, chicken, and fish, and, optionally, eggs, butter, heavy whipping cream, and/or hard cheeses. […]

Swim Safety Tips to Keep kids Safe Around Water

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released updated guidelines for the prevention of drowning in children. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death in children, claiming the lives of 1,000 children in the United States in 2017. Toddlers and adolescent boys currently have the highest risk of death by drowning, compared to other […]

Super Food Spotlight: Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

Amazing anthocyanins. Red cabbage, like other blue, red, and purple fruits and vegetables, are colored by pigments called anthocyanins. Not only are anthocyanins responsible for the vibrant color of red cabbage, but they belong to a class of healthful compounds called flavonoids. Research suggeststhat anthocyanins might protect against certain types of cancer and improve brain […]

Shedding Light on Carotenoids

Get a Summer Glow Without Sun Tanning When surveyed, people who sunbathed or tanned regularly cited increased attractiveness as their main motivation for doing so.1,2 Indeed, research has shown that men and women with a red and/or yellow tint to their skin are perceived as healthier, and, as a result, more attractive than their paler […]

Raising Kids in the Post-caveman Era

By Brian Dutter Each generation of mankind has boasted to their children about how much tougher life was when they were kids. It began with Cro-Magnon man complaining aloud that when he walked to school in the morning, hehad to worry about run-ins with woolly mammoths. This tradition has continued for all of the following […]

Picky Little Eaters

Simple Ways to Help Broaden Their Do you have a picky eater on your hands? Maybe you are worried your little one isn’t eating enough or has too limited a diet (Can Goldfish be its own food group?). Having a finicky eater at the family dinner table can be worrisome and frustrating. Here are a […]

NHR Update: The Nova Classification System

In the Spring 2019 issue of NHR, we wrote about the NOVA classification system, a system that organizes processed foods based on their level of processing and recommended place in the diet. The first randomized, controlled trial using the NOVA classification system has since been published in the journal Cell Metabolism. The small study, comprising […]

Know Your Nutrients: Selenium

What is selenium? Selenium is a trace element that functions within selenocysteine, an amino acid that makes up part of a category of proteins called selenoproteins. A few types of selenoproteins that have been studied include glutathione peroxidases, thioredoxin reductases, and thyroid hormone deiodinases.1 Glutathione peroxidases exhibit antioxidant properties and have been found in tissues […]

Kids in the Kitchen

Bring Out the Inner Chef in Your Child A study of 10-year-old children across 151 schools in Alberta, Canada, found that children who most frequently helped prepare meals at home reported liking fruits and vegetables more and had a greater desire to select and eat healthy foods at home and in school than children who […]

How to Choose the Right Sunscreen for You

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL SUNSCREENS? Chemical sunscreens protect the skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays by absorbing radiation and converting it into heat energy, while physical sunscreens provide a physical barrier that deflects the sun’s rays so that they aren’t absorbed into the skin. Both types of sunscreen are effective at preventing sunburn […]

Heat-related Illnesses

Know the Signs Athletes, children, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses are most vulnerable to heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke. While heat exhaustion is less severe than heatstroke, it can progress to heatstroke if proper steps aren’t taken to relieve the condition. Common medications, including antihistamines, diuretics, and laxatives, can contribute […]

Guidelines for Writing a Will

In most states, you must be 18 years of age or older to create a will. To be valid, a will must be written when you are of sound judgment and have adequate mental capacity. The document must clearly state that it is your will. You must name an executorof your will. An executor will […]