Managing Seasonal Allergies

In many areas of the United States, spring allergies begin in February and last until the early summer months. Tree pollination occurs in the early part of the year, followed by grass pollination in spring and early summer and ragweed in the late summer and early autumn months. Mild winter temperatures can cause plants to […]

Gardening as a child may lead to long-term habit of eating more fruits and veggies

Researchers have found that gardening as a child might lead to a lasting habit of eating more fruits and vegetables. Through the “Get Fruved” project, an acronym for “Get Your Fruits and Vegetables,” investigators have observed that college students who gardened as a child or were currently gardening reportedly ate more fruits and vegetables than […]

Food Safety Tips

What’s the difference between “Best if used by,” “Sell by,” and “Use by” dates on food packaging? A “Best if Used By/Before” indicates when a product will be of best flavor or quality. It is not a purchase or safety date. A “Sell-By” date tells the store how long to display the product for sale […]

Five Tips for Outdoor Exercise While Managing Allergies

There are plenty of indoor exercises that can be done during allergy season to avoid inhaling allergens. Some of these include weight training in the gym, swimming, indoor circuit training, and yoga. However, if you’re a die-hard runner or biker willing to brave the storm of pollen, here’s some tips to best manage allergies while […]

Dirty Truths of “Clean” Eating

Clean has become a popular descriptor for meals available at upscale fast food restaurants and products on the shelves of grocery stores. A quick search of #eatclean on a popular social media site returns hundreds of posts sharing recipes, products, and programs that promise weight loss, increased energy, and health through “clean” eating. What these […]

Decluttering the Mind with Mindfulness

MANY DISCUSSIONS ABOUT MEDITATION start with discussion of its origins in Buddhist religion. However, meditation—particularly mindfulness meditation—has come a long way from its religious roots. The goal of mindfulness meditation, also known as insight meditation or, traditionally, Vipassana meditation, is to cultivate a nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment without letting the mind become distracted […]

Clear the Clutter! Basics of Decluttering

By Brian Dutter The weather’s getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and soon flowers will be blooming. As winter initiates its annual retreat, signs all around us show that spring has nearly sprung. That, of course, means it is time for one of spring’s most beloved ceremonies—the highly anticipated ritual of spring clean-up. What…you […]

Benefits of locally grown food

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, unlike organic food, there is no legal or universally accepted definition of “local food.” Most researchers agree that eating locally means “minimizing the distance between production and consumption, especially in relation to the modern mainstream food system.” According to the 2008 Farm Act, a product can be […]

Make Time for Cancer Screening

The following information is a summary of the American Cancer Society early cancer detection guidelines. Full guidelines are available at BREAST CANCER It is recommended that women have regular yearly mammograms starting at age 45 until age 54 . Once a woman turns 55 year old, she should get a mammogram every two years, […]

Backyard Groceries: Tips on Growing Your Own Food

Fruits and vegetables from your own garden are more nutritious than the produce you might purchase at a large food store chain. Why? Because of the amount of time it takes for produce to travel from farm to store. Vegetables and fruits start to lose nutrients once they are harvested. For example, when stored at […]

5 Mindfulness and Meditation Resources

The conventional, most intensive way to delve into a meditation practice is by seeking outan instructor or class in your area. The National Institutes of Health recommend thoroughly investigating any instructor or program you’re considering, including asking the instructor about their training and experience. If you’re managing depression, anxiety, or other mental health condition, look […]