8 Ways to Cut Back on Processed Foods

1 Read every food label. A quick glance at the labels of every food item you grab at the store is a surefire way to help you avoid variations of packaged foods containing high amounts of salt, sugar, and fat. 2 Cook at home whenever possible. When you have extra time, try your hand at […]

Who Should Get Flu Shots?

Flu season is upon us once more. The United States Centers or Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone who is six months of age or older should receive an annual influenza vaccination. Flu shots are especially recommended for pregnant women and individuals with chronic health conditions.1 Those who are younger than six months old […]

What is a Hormone?

Let’s start with the basics. A hormone is a chemical substance made by the glands of the human endocrine system to serve as its messenger to other parts of the body.1,2 The endocrine system is in charge of a variety of bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth and development, and reproduction.2 Hormones travel throughout the […]

The Physiological Stress Response: What Happens and How It Can Affect Your Health?

The word stress holds generally negative connotations, but the cascade of hormones that triggers this physiological response in humans and other animals, known to many as the flight-or-fight response, is essential for survival. The term fight or flight was originally coined by Walter B. Cannon, the physiologist who first described changes in adrenal gland secretion […]

Polyphenol Fisetin Shown to Slow Aging in Mice

Cellular senescence is a process of biological aging that occurs when a cell stops replicating due to damaged DNA. This process is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer in young people. But as people age, it is thought that this process might actually cause tumor growth. These senescent cells are cleared away at an […]

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) a condition marked by signs such as irregular menstrual cycle and excess androgens in the body. Androgens are a class of sex hormones that include testosterone and androstenedione. While androgens are commonly referred to as “malesex hormones,” they are also present in women, but in small amounts, and are essential for […]

NUTS FOR NUTS? Daily Serving Might Help Control Weight and Benefit Health

Eating a daily serving of nuts daily might prevent weight gain and provide other cardiovascular benefits, according to two separate preliminary studies that were presented last November at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2018 in Chicago. In one study, researchers analyzed the influence of eating nuts and peanuts on long-term body weight in U.S. […]

Mindfulness-based Therapeutic Programs Actually Change the Structure of the Brain

A literature review1 published in the journal Brain and Cognition analyzed studies evaluating the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) programs. MBSR is a program that guides participants through sessions of meditation and yoga, with emphasis on integrating mindfulness and bodily awareness into everyday life.2 MBCT utilizes the methods employed […]

Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism

Know the signs. In healthy individuals, the thyroid gland, located in the neck, is responsible for regulating the metabolism by way of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine.1 Normally,the hypothalamus gland, located in the brain, secretes a thyroid-releasing hormone that signals the pituitary gland, aka the master gland, to secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which then signals […]

Common Endocrine Diseases: A Primer

The human endocrine system is composed of a number of glands that are each responsible for secreting different hormones that regulate various functions within the body, including metabolism, reproduction, and growth and development.1 As such, given the variety of parts that make up this system, the possibilities for dysfunction are numerous. Diabetes. Diabetes is considered […]

Chronic Stress and Weight Gain: A Dangerous Cycle

While healthy lifestyle education and access to nutritious food are important factors in the prevention of overweight and obesity, an easily overlooked piece of the obesity puzzle is uncontrolled, chronic stress. Unmitigated, ongoing stress caused by the pressures of daily life (e.g., relationship issues, financial problems, work-related stress) especially when combined with long working hours […]