Preventing and Treating Tickborne Disease
Spending time in the great outdoors, whether hiking, camping, or just hanging out in your own backyard, is a fun and healthy way to enjoy the summer weather. But beware! Creatures are lurking in the tall grass and in the bushes—eight- legged creatures that hunger for your blood—just waiting for the opportunity to crawl onto […]
Superfood Spotlight: Blueberries
Although the summer is coming to a close, there is plenty of time to learn more about Cyanococcus vaccinium, also known as the blueberry.1 These small berries, the second most popular in the United States after strawberries, are native to North America and have been used in food, medicine, and for artistic purposes for thousands […]
Nutrition for Better Memory
Many parts of the brain are responsible for memory. And, like most bodily functions, memory naturally declines as we age.1 Genetics also impact memory, especially if there is a predisposition to neurogenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Other factors, including brain injury, stress, illness, and unhealthy dietary choices (e.g., foods that are high in saturated […]
Know Your Nutrients: Vitamin C
What comes to mind when you think of vitamin C? Oranges? The common cold? Scurvy? For one of the human body’s most vital nutrients, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding it. Let’s dive into how this vitamin helps and protects the body. WHAT IS VITAMIN C? Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is […]
It’s Not Your Mother’s Milk! A Guide to Today’s Animal- and Plant-based Milks
These days, the dairy aisle at the grocery store can feel a little overwhelming. The number of milk options is mind-boggling. Alternative milks (e.g., soy, almond, coconut, oat, goat, sheep, buffalo…to name a few) and their byproducts (i.e., cheeses, yogurts, non-dairy ice cream) are becoming more mainstream and are often perceived as healthier.1 Allergies, lactose […]
Fun, Healthy Activities for the Whole Family
With the end of summer approaching and the beginning of the school year on the horizon, household schedules are about to become busier. Conflicting, frenetic schedules tend to strain meaningful family moments, which can negatively affect relationships within the household. A lack of family time has been shown to have possible impacts on behavior, social […]
Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress
When thoughts or occurrences yield feelings of anger, frustration, and/or nervousness, hormones are released to ensure the brain is more alert, muscles are tense, and pulse is faster than usual,1,2 as if the body is preparing for flight or battle and working to protect itself from the enemy. Simply put, it’s the body’s instinctual reaction […]
What is UV Protective Clothing?
Public health and commercial messaging in the United States emphasize the routine use of sunscreen for protection against sun damage to the skin and cancer prevention. However, using the improper amount of sunscreen or forgetting to apply sunscreen throughout the day may result in insufficient protection from the sun, causing sunburns and skin damage and […]
Telemedicine: The Whats, Whys, & Hows of Remote Health
What Is Telemedicine? The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the pause button on many nonessential aspects of life, including vacation travel, dining out, and retail shopping, but one thing that cannot be paused is the need for medical care—especially now. Thus, the world has had to quickly adapt to seeking and administering medical care while maintaining […]
Staying Healthy While Social Distancing
General guidelines for staying healthy during any viral epidemic can be boiled down to this: regular and thorough handwashing; avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; seeking medical attention if symptoms occur; and keeping up to date on virus-related information from reliable sources. These are standard public health recommendations with which most, if not all, […]
Preparing Your Kitchen for a Plant-based Diet
by Patricia R. Thomson, PhD Eating a plant-based diet does not have to be complicated. By keeping a few ingredients stocked in your pantry and a few handy appliances ready in your kitchen, you can create simple, nutritious, plant-based meals in a pinch. Here, you’ll find a list of pantry and kitchen essentials for preparing […]
Know Your Nutrient: The B Vitamins
There are eight B vitamins that make up the vitamin B complex, which together play important roles in our health. These vitamins assist the body’s cells in releasing energy from carbohydrates and fat, breaking down amino acids, and transporting oxygen and energy-containing nutrients around the body.1 Although the B vitamins work together in the body, […]