The Relationship Between Alcohol and Cancer

Alcohol consumption has been classified as a Grade 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC; part of the World Health Organization), which is the most severe designation. Additionally, ethanol, an ingredient common to alcoholic beverages, and acetaldehyde, which is the product of alcohol metabolism, are Grade 1 carcinogens; thus, the type […]

Fact versus Fiction: What to Know About Health at Every Size®

By Sarabeth Lowe, MPH Ms. Lowe is a Communication Specialist at the University of Delaware Disaster Research Center. America has been hooked on dieting for more than 100 years.1 Its legacy is evident across our culture. The media has long-depicted slender bodies as the ideal shape and size. Influencers peddle appetite suppressants and other alternative […]

Something in the Water: Community Fluoridation and Public Health

By Sarabeth Lowe, MPH Ms. Lowe is a Communication Specialist at the University of Delaware Disaster Research Center. The benefits of fluoride (pronounced floor-eyed) were established nearly a century ago when scientists discovered that children who consumed naturally fluoridated water had fewer cavities.1,2 What started as a simple observation set a plan into motion that […]

Glaucoma Awareness Month

In honor of Glaucoma Awareness Month, which took place in January, this article highlights the importance of early detection, treatment options, and risk factors associated with glaucoma. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma occurs when dysfunction of the natural fluid draining process of the eye leads to fluid buildup and subsequent pressure on the optic nerve within […]

Healthy Eating with Community-supported Agriculture

Traditionally, community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a system wherein individuals in a community pledge to support a local farm financially and, for some groups, by helping out on the farm; these shareholders then receive shares of the farm’s goods during the growing season and also share in the risks of crop failure.1,2 The traditional, or membership/share, […]

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant in the ginger family, native to Southeast Asia. Its underground stem is commonly used as both a cooking spice and in traditional medicine.1  Health Benefits of Turmeric Turmeric is frequently used to treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, and liver disease.1 Additionally, turmeric is used […]

American Heart Month

Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death globally, with various factors influencing an individual’s risk. These factors can range from genetics and age to lifestyle choices. Understanding these risk factors and taking proactive steps to manage them can significantly reduce the chances of developing heart disease.1 In honor of American Heart Month […]

The Impact of Processed versus Whole Foods on Health

In today’s food landscape, we are increasingly confronted with processed foods that have been altered from their natural state to improve preservation, flavor, or convenience. While these foods may seem appealing due to their accessibility, they often come with a range of additives, preservatives, and unhealthy ingredients. In contrast, whole foods remain closer to their […]

Vitiligo: Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment  

Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes skin to lose its pigment, resulting in patches of milky-white skin. This condition occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys melanocytes—the cells responsible for producing skin pigment.1 The condition often affects areas like the face, neck, hands, arms, and genitals.2 Types of Vitiligo The most common […]

Kidney and Liver Functions

The kidneys and liver are essential organs that play crucial roles in maintaining overall health and wellbeing. The kidneys filter waste, regulate fluid balance, and support other vital functions, while the liver plays a central role in metabolism, detoxification, and nutrient storage. Both organs can be affected by various diseases that can disrupt their normal […]

Respiratory Syncytial Virus

The human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the most common viral infections affecting both children and the elderly worldwide.¹ Adults with certain chronic medical conditions are at increased risk for severe disease and hospitalization. RSV season in the United States typically begins in the fall and peaks during the winter months.² The virus […]

American Diabetes Month

In honor of American Diabetes month, which took place in November, this article discusses the different types of diabetes, treatment, and management techniques. Diabetes occurs when a person’s blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, is too high. Glucose is the body’s main source of energy. With diabetes, the body does not make enough or […]