Nut and Seed Butters—A Comprehensive Guide

The world of nut and seed butters has expanded greatly over the past few years, and it’s easy to see why. They’re flavorful, great in a meal or snack, and, best of all, most varieties have much of the same health benefits as their respective unprocessed nuts and seeds because they do not contain any […]

Unraveling Age-related Unraveling Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss (ARHL), also known as presbycusis, is a common condition affecting older adults in the United States (US). About one-third of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 years have hearing loss, and prevalence increases to about half of adults over the age of 75 years.1 In general, ARHL occurs in both […]

Summer Vegetables—What’s in Season Now?

It’s farmer’s market time! Spring and early summer crops being harvested, so grab your reusable shopping bags and head on over to your local farmer’s market to check out the goods. Here’s what’s in season now:   Beet Benefits: low in calories, potent anti-inflammatory properties, high in fiber, high in nitrates, good source of potassium […]

Mushrooms and the Central Nervous System

Different edible mushrooms may play a role in the prevention1 and treatment2,3 of dementia by reducing or inhibiting the production of β-amyloid and phosphorylated tau.4 One study in which patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease were administered either erinacine A–enriched lion’s mane capsules or placebo demonstrated a significant reduction in the Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument scores […]

Poisonous Mushrooms and Medicine

Research has shown that edible mushrooms from a range of genera exert various anticancer treatment effects.1 In addition, further investigation of α-amanitin, a toxin found in the poisonous Amanita phalloides mushroom, as a possible anticancer treatment has progressed with the development of antibody–drug conjugates, allowing for its safe delivery into the body,2 and mouse studies […]

Mushrooms and Beta-Glucans

Beta-glucans, a type of polysaccharide found in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and plants, help to regulate inflammation (e.g., by decreasing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines1) and activate or enhance the functional activity of various innate and adaptive immune cell populations, including macrophages, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes.2 In cancer, β-glucans may increase counts of M1-phenotype tumor-associated (antitumor) macrophages […]

Nutrition and Lung Health

Research has been showing that the development and management of chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, are influenced by dietary intake.1–5 COPD and asthma are both characterized by inflammation and obstruction of the airways, systemic inflammation, and decreased lung function. A high intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole […]

Spring Vegetables—What’s in Season?

The return of spring brings with it the return of a host of delicious vegetables to the farmer’s market. This guide provides an overview of some of our favorite spring vegetables.       Artichokes Don’t let their spiky exterior deter you! Globe artichokes are a tender vegetable with a delicate, nutty flavor.1 They are […]

Superfood Spotlight—Quinoa

Quinoa has been a staple of the Andean region for thousands of years, and over the past decade it’s seen an increase in popularity worldwide. Although quinoa is often compared to cereal grains, it’s actually a pseudocereal, or a seed that is prepared and eaten like a grain.1,2 This super-seed is dense with nutrients that […]

7 Exercises for Strengthening Your Core

Exercises that target your core are essential for improving stability and balance; additionally, they can lower the risk of back pain and injuries and improve posture. Keep in mind that when it comes to core exercises, proper form and controlled movements matter much more than how many reps you complete.1    Abdominal Press Lie on […]

Know Your Nutrients—Thiamine (B1)

Thiamine (also thiamin or vitamin B1) is part of the B complex vitamins. It was the very first compound identified as a vitamin, and thus retains its historical numerical place as first in the B vitamin family. Dietary thiamine occurs in two forms: the free form that is found in plant products and the phosphorylated […]

How to do <strong>Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)</strong>

Gomukhasana, or cow face pose, is one of the 15 poses described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the classic 15-century Sanskrit manual on hatha yoga. In this yoga pose, the feet (or elbows) represent the cow’s ears and the knees stacked on top of each other represent the cow’s mouth. The cow face pose stretches […]