Know Your Nutrients: Folate

Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.1–3 Folate is needed to break down homocysteine, an amino acid that can be harmful when present in high amounts.1,2,4 Additionally, folate is essential to the production of red blood cells1,4 and the process of cell […]

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)—Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition in which the contents of the stomach travel up the esophagus. About 20 percent of people United States (US) have GERD. Although anyone can experience gastroesophageal reflux, individuals with GERD experience symptoms at least twice per week and/or suffer from damage to the esophagus over time.1,2 The […]

Conventional, Complementary and Alternative, and Integrative Medicines—A Brief Guide to the Different Methods of Healthcare Practice

It is important to stay informed about the different types of healthcare in order to make the best decisions for your health. Here, we give a brief overview on different methods of healthcare and their potential benefits. Conventional Medicine Conventional medicine is a system of medical care wherein healthcare professionals, such as medical doctors, doctors […]

Balance training—An Important Addition to Any Workout

Balance training is an important part of any workout routine, especially among older adults, who might be at a greater risk for falls.1 However, balance training isn’t just for older folks; it can also benefit those who have had a stroke,1  athletes,2 and, really, anyone who wants to improve their resistance to falls. What is […]

Considerations on Becoming a Vegetarian or Vegan

Are Humans “Supposed” to be Herbivores, Carnivores, or Omnivores? Humans are considered omnivores, as evidenced by our physiological attributes.1 For example, whereas the teeth of herbivores have physical characteristics specific to gnawing, scraping, and grinding plant matter and the teeth of carnivores are specific to incapacitating and tearing apart animals for food, a set of […]

Red and Processed Meats—What’s the Latest Word?

Plant-based proteins and meat alternatives are becoming more mainstream.1–3 A 2021 survey showed that most Americans have consumed plant-based meat alternatives in the past year, and the global market for plant-based foods could see five-fold growth by 2030.2,3 Religious beliefs, environmental concerns, and health issues may all lead an individual to follow a vegetarian or […]

Sleep Paralysis: What it is and Why it Happens

Sleep paralysis (SP) affects millions of people each year.1,2 It is a type of parasomnia—an umbrella term for unusual or undesirable behaviors that occur during sleep—that can happen in isolated incidents or reoccur over time. Despite its commonness, however, this condition is not well understood by experts.3 While the overriding causes of SP are still […]

Virabhadrasana Poses—Warrior I, II, and III

These poses open the hips, strengthen and stretch the legs, ankles, and core, and improve balance and posture. The Virabhadrasana poses, also known as the Warrior poses, first emerged in the early 20th century and are credited to the famous Indian yoga teacher Krishnamacharya (“the father of modern yoga”). The poses were later popularized in […]

Superfood Spotlight: Chickpeas

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a type of pulse, or edible seed, in the legume family.1,2 There are two main categories of chickpea: Desi, which are small and dark with a rough coat, and Kabuli, which are larger and lightly-colored with a smooth coat.3,4 The Desi variety tends to grow in semiarid areas, […]

Know Your Nutrients: Molybdenum

Molybdenum is an essential trace element required by the human body for daily function. Discovered in 1778 by Swedish chemist Karl Scheele in a mineral known as molybdenite, which was mistakenly believed to be a lead compound, it was later isolated by another Swedish chemist, Peter Jacob Hjelm, in 1781.1,2 Later, in the 1950s, molybdenum […]

One Pit Wonders—All About Stone Fruits

While the sun is beginning to set on summer, the sweetness of the season doesn’t have to. In fact, some of your favorite summer staples, such as peaches, plums, and cherries, are still in their prime.1 These are all stone fruits. Also known as drupes, stone fruit is a generic term that describes fruits that […]

Reducing the Negative Effects of Ultraviolet and Blue Light Wavelengths Through Nutrition

Ample research has shown that certain wavelengths of light can be harmful to the human body, causing, for example, premature aging, skin cancer, cataracts, and retinal degeneration.1–4 Established protective measures include wearing sunscreen and sunglasses, as well as making certain behavioral choices, such as staying indoors or in the shade when the sun is highest […]