“Longevity” Protein Must Exist in Brain to Prevent Diet-induced Obesity

A protein found in cells throughout the body must be present in a specific set of neurons in the brain to prevent weight gain after chronic feeding on high-calorie meals, new findings suggest. Nicknamed the “longevity” protein because of its apparent role in mediating the effects of dietary restriction on life span, SIRT1 has been […]

Large Hearts in Young Obese Children

Obese children are showing signs for an elevated risk for signs of heart disease. This risk applies even to children as young as 8 years of age. Also, obese children had 27 percent more muscle mass in the left ventricle as well as thicker heart muscles—both signs of heart disease compared with normal-weight children. Forty […]

Iceman with Ulcer Bacterium

The stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori is one of the most prevalent human pathogens, and is known to cause ulcers and other ailments in the stomach. A strain of H. pylori was found inside a 5,300- year-old frozen mummy. Scientists are studying the mummy’s strain to gain insight about the bacterium that was present so long […]

Healthy Snacks 100 Calories or Less

a medium-size apple (72 calories) a medium-size banana (105 calories) 1 cup steamed green beans (44 calories) 1 cup blueberries (83 calories) 1 cup grapes (100 calories) 1 cup carrots (45 calories) 1 cup broccoli (30 calories) 1 cup bell peppers (30 calories) TIP: Use 2 tbsp. hummus (46 calories) as dip for your cup […]

Does Choice of Diet Affect Weight-Loss Success?

Patients most often lose weight successfully when they adhere to a diet. Researchers at the Veterans Affairs Health System evaluated the effects on patients who chose their diet and those who were instructed about dietary guidelines. The team gave 105 adults the initial choice between either a low-carbohydrate or a low-fat diet and the option […]

Counting Calories: Balancing the Energy Equation

At last count, nearly two of three (64.5 percent) Americans were classified as overweight or obese. With this number climbing upward at an alarming rate, there has been much speculation as to the cause of America’s weight problem. Some diet books are especially vocal about naming carbohydrates as the culprit. A few years back, the […]

Calorie Myths & Facts

Have you heard the one about the fat-forming carbohydrate? Nutrition educators continually face the challenge of dispelling common myths about calories and weight management such as the ones provided next: Myth: Eating most of your calories in the evening promotes weight gain. Fact: No matter when you eat, you gain weight when you eat more […]

Brain Chemical Helps Burn Calories

New findings suggest that an enzyme in the brain known as P13 kinase might control the increased generation of body heat that helps burn off excess calories after we eat a high-fat meal. The increase in energy expenditure, called a thermogenic response, burns calories even in the absence of exercise, so understanding how it is […]

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet May Go Beyond Heart Health

A randomized trial suggests that the Mediterranean diet can lower risk of breast cancer. This regimen emphasizes primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables; whole grains; legumes and nuts; replacing butter with olive oil or canola oil; and using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods. Fish high in omega 3 fatty […]

Age-related Cognitive Decline: Women Are More Resilient Than Men, Study Says

Previous research has shown that aging affects cognitive ability, and that subtle sex differences in cognition exist across the lifespan. A recent observational study by Dr. Anna C.McCarrey and colleagues in NIA’s Intramural Research Program showed that cognitive ability in some, but not all, domains declines at a steeper rate for men than for women. […]

10 Tips for Eating Foods Away from Home

Restaurants, convenience and grocery stores, or fast-food places offer a variety of options when eating out. But larger portions can make it easy to eat or drink too many calories. Larger helpings can also increase your intake of saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars. Consider the following tips when dining away from home. Consider your […]

Who Says the Holidays Can’t Be Delicious AND Healthy?

Cranberry-Goat Cheese White Bean and Kale Salad Serves 4 (serving size: ¾ cup) Ingredients 2 teaspoons olive oil4 cups thinly sliced Lacinato kale1 (15-ounce) can unsalted cannellini beans, rinsed and drained2 tablespoons olive oil1 tablespoon red wine vinegar1 teaspoon grated orange rind1/4 cup dried cranberries1/2 teaspoon kosher salt1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1.5 ounces […]