Eight Things You Can Do To Prevent a Stroke

According to Harvard Health, advancing in age and/or having a relative that has suffered a stroke increase the likelihood of a stroke; however, they provide eight lifestyle changes that can help prevent strokes. Lower blood pressure. Reduce salt and cholesterol in your diet Eat well. Aim for 4 to 5 cups of fruits and vegetables […]

Debunking a Dangerous Myth: Vaccines Are Not Linked to Autism!

There has been and still exists a debate regarding whether vaccines administered at the start of an infant’s life have any connection to the development of autism. This has caused a major public health issue, after concerned parents began opting out of these initial vaccines, raising the chances of an outbreak of diseases such as […]

Combating Alzheimer’s Disease with Diet and Exercise

EXERCISE In the healthy elderly, studies show that aerobic exercise has a significant impact on promoting function of the hippocampus and stimulating neuroplasticity, an important feature in maintaining healthy aging.1 Neuroplasticity is the invaluable ability of the brain to change itself permanently in order to learn new information or skills. Neuroplasticity, unfortunately, is one of […]

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s

There is consistent evidence from multiple studies that support the benefit of cognitive stimulation programs for better cognition in people with mild-to- moderate Alzheimer’s. For example, a recent clinical trial showed that people with moderate Alzheimer’s who underwent seven weeks of cognitive stimulation therapy showed better cognitive function on several cognitive measurement scales.1 In another […]

Alzheimer’s: Future Treatment Options

The Alzheimer’s Research Center expresses great optimism toward the current drugs being studied for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s. One drug currently being studied targets beta-amyloid, the chief component of brain plaques, which are clumps in the brain that are recognized as one of the major features of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, another drug […]

10 Blogs for Parents with Autism

One of the great things about the internet is that it makes it easier for people to find information about illnesses and disorders. Medical News Today made a list of the 10 best blogs to follow for information about autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which affects 1 in 68 children in the United States. Autism Speaks: […]

6 Supplements to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

Ginkgo Biloba Studies show that taking 240mg of ginkgo biloba daily for six months can stabilize or slow decline in cognition associated with Alzheimer’s.1 While this is good news for people with Alzheimer’s, recent reviews of the research suggest there are no notable cognition-enhancing or Alzheimer-prevention capabilities of ginkgo biloba for healthy individuals.2,3 2. Alpha […]

Turmeric: the “Golden spice” May Not Be the Miracle Spice After All

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) and is grown throughout India, other parts of Asia, and Central America. Turmeric is prescribed abundantly for ailments in both traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, including liver, urologic, and skin conditions, cancer, breathing problems, rheumatism, serious pain, and fatigue. Today, turmeric is used as a dietary […]

What’s on Your Skin? Archea, That’s What!

It turns out your skin is crawling with single-celled microorganisms—and they’re not just bacteria. A study by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the Medical University of Graz has found that the skin microbiome also contains Archaea, a type of extreme-loving microbe, and that the amount of it varies with […]

Ten Safety Tips When Traveling Abroad

Remember that 911 doesn’t work outside of the united states. Wherever you go, find out what the local emergency hotlines are and save them to your phone (preferably on speed dial). Also research the nearest U.S. embassies or consulates and save those addresses and phone numbers (usatoday.com). Look left first before crossing the road in […]

Time to Take Time Off and Turn Your Health Back On

A Guide to Staying Healthy and Stress-free While on Vacation As humans, we need rest just as much as we need food and water. However, while the need for food and water obviously cannot be ignored for long without some seriously detrimental consequences, adequate rest is something most people are guilty of ignoring to an […]

Staycation: Tips on Having a Relaxing, Fun Vacation at Home

Have a week off from work? There’s no reason to skip town in order to relax. A “staycation” affords you all the time to do things in your hometown that you normally might not think of doing. Here are some tips for creating a fantastic staycation: 1. Spend a day walking around a local farmer’s […]