The Importance of Protein as We Age

Protein is an essential macronutrient—the building block of the human body— and it is in every one of our cells. Protein is needed in the body to repair cells and make new ones; allow key biochemical reactions to take place; act as a messenger between cells, tissues, and organs; provide strength and structure to various […]

The Physiology of<strong> Pain </strong>and Its Different Types 

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.”1 They further note that pain is affected by biological, social, and psychological factors,1 which means that sustaining an injury alone is not enough to warrant […]

Autoimmune Disorders—What Are They? What Causes Them? How Are They Treated?

Autoimmune disorders are caused by overactivity of the body’s immune system, which results in the body attacking its own tissues. Simply put, the immune system can’t tell the difference between healthy tissue and a foreign invader, so it starts attacking its own host. While the exact causes of autoimmune disorders are still not fully understood, […]

Superfood Spotlight: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a form of vinegar made by fermenting the sugar from apples. While it is not a substantial source of macronutrients, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, B vitamins, polyphenols, vitamin C, and a small amount of potassium.1–4 Some brands of apple cider vinegar contain the “mother,” a probiotic composed of bacteria […]

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

While fermented foods have a long history of safe use, there is a growing popular consensus that consumption of fermented foods results in positive health effects. Much of this is driven by popular observations that fermented foods in general use unprocessed raw ingredients, contain little or no added preservatives, colors or flavorings, and are made […]

Tendons, Ligaments, and Cartilage: A Primer

Tendons are strong, flexible cords of tissues that connect muscles to bones. When we contract our muscles, tendons pull the attached bone, and they can absorb some impact from muscle movement.1,2 Ligaments are bands of tissue that connect and stabilize bones, joints, and organs. Ligaments are responsible for preventing the dislocation of bones and twisting […]

Nutrition for Healthy Joints

Our joints play an important part in mobility, so it’s important to keep them healthy through physical activity and a healthy diet. For people with diseases that affect the joints, such as arthritis, adding certain foods to the diet, and avoiding others, can potentially help to alleviate symptoms. What to Eat Following an anti-inflammatory diet […]

Know Your Nutrients: Iron

Iron is an essential mineral found in of hemoglobin, a protein that is responsible for transferring oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, and myoglobin, a protein that stores oxygen in muscle tissues. Additionally, iron is necessary for proper growth, brain development, cellular functioning, and hormone synthesis.1–3 Dietary iron comes in two forms: heme and […]

Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees

Although knee pain can feel limiting, exercise is one of the best ways to alleviate pain and prevent it in the future. Regular exercise to strengthen the muscles around the knee can reduce pressure on joints and alleviate pain and discomfort from conditions such as osteoarthritis, tendinitis, meniscal tears, and patellofemoral syndrome.1 Stretching is also […]

Arthritis: A Multifaceted Disease Group

Arthritis is a group of over 100 conditions affecting joints or tissues surrounding joints. Pain, stiffness, and diminished range of motion around the affected area are common symptoms of most types of arthritis.1,2 About 58.5 million adults in the United States have arthritis,1 and it more commonly affects women than men.2 Types of arthritis The […]

Nutrient Retention in Cooked Vegetables—Is Raw Always Better?

As we all know, fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, and for this reason a diet rich in these foods is highly recommended by experts for its many health benefits, including lower blood pressure, decreased risk of heart disease and stroke, better weight management, and overall decreased risk of […]

Superfood Spotlight: Brussels Sprouts

Despite their tiny size, Brussels sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrition—and deliciousness! These little members of the cabbage family are the perfect addition to any lunch or dinner, thanks to their versatility and unique flavor.  Nutrition Information Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of essential nutrients. One cup of raw Brussels sprouts contains 74.8mg of […]