New Study Finds that Intermittent Fasting Increased Longevity in Cardiac Catheterization Patients calorie, diet, fasting, healthy diet, intermittant fasting, Metabolic, metabolism, weight loss
The Carnivore Diet all-meat diet, carnivore diet, diet, fad, healthy diet, Plant-based, red meat, trend, weight loss
Brain Scans of Dieters Predict Weight-loss Success brain imaging, brain scan, diet, dieter, weight loss, weight loss diet
Over the Counter Weight-loss Supplements: Healthy or Harmful? Mineral, nutrient, supplement, Vitamin, weight loss
Healthy Weight-loss Plans and the Internet: YouTube as a Source of Information for Individuals Seeking to Lose Weight diet, diet fad, diet trend, fad, internet, weight loss, Youtube
Calorie Reduction, not Exercise, Most Important for Weight Loss calorie, counting calories, Metabolic, metabolism, weight, weight loss, weight loss diet
Behavior Modification Strategies for Weight Loss behavior modification, diet, habit, healthy diet, Mindfulness, routine, weight loss
2017 Food Trends: Nutrition Experts Reveal “Diets” Are Out and “Mindful Eating” Is In diet, healthy diet, Mindfulness, weight loss
Healthy Snacks 100 Calories or Less calorie, diet, healthy diet, Obesity, Overweight, snack, weight loss