Sustained-release Peppermint Oil Relieves Irritable Bowel bacteria, Digestive, Gastrointestinal, gut microbiome, Gut Microbiota, holistic medicine, IBS, Intestine, irritable bowel syndrome, peppermint oil
Spicy Foods Associated with Longer Life aging, diet, health, healthy diet, Healthy Eating, healthy lifestyle, longevity, mortality, spicy, spicy food
Parents Have Mistaken Beliefs About Sugary Drinks adolescent, blood sugar, child, Diabetes, Endocrine, Metabolic, Obesity, Overweight, soda, sugar
Noshing on Nanos additive, food additive, food science, nano, nanoingredient, nanoparticle, titanium dioxide
Mother’s Weight in Pregnancy Shapes Child’s Health adolescent, child, genetic, healthy lifestyle, Hereditary, lifestyle, Obesity, Overweight, pregnancy
“Longevity” Protein Must Exist in Brain to Prevent Diet-induced Obesity aging, amino acid, animal-based, brain, branched-chain, branched-chain amino acid, carbohydrate, Diabetes, diet, Endocrine, healthy diet, Healthy Eating, high carbohydrate, lifespan, longevity, low protein, Metabolic, methionine, mortality, Nervous, Obesity, Overweight, protein, red meat
Large Hearts in Young Obese Children adolescent, Cardiovascular, child, Children, diet, healthy diet, Heart, heart health, Obesity, Overweight, pediatric
Healthy Snacks 100 Calories or Less calorie, diet, healthy diet, Obesity, Overweight, snack, weight loss
Does Choice of Diet Affect Weight-Loss Success? calorie, calorie burning, carbohydrate, diet, Digestive, energy, energy expenditure, Fat, Gastrointestinal, healthy diet, Healthy Eating, Macronutrient, Metabolic, metabolism, Micronutrient, Obesity, Overweight, protein, weight loss
Counting Calories: Balancing the Energy Equation calorie, calorie burning, carbohydrate, diet, energy, energy expenditure, Fat, healthy diet, Healthy Eating, Macronutrient, Obesity, Overweight, protein, weight loss
Calorie Myths & Facts calorie, calorie burning, carbohydrate, diet, energy, energy expenditure, Fat, healthy diet, Healthy Eating, Macronutrient, Obesity, Overweight, protein, weight loss