Know Your Nutrient: Fiber

Fiber is a carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the small intestine but can be partially or fully fermented in the large intestine.1 Dietary fiber is an essential part of the diet, but most Americans do not consume enough. The average intake of dietary fiber in the United States (US)

Strength at Every Age: A Strength Coach’s Perspective

My name is Emily Socolinsky, and I am the owner and head coach of Fivex3 Training, a strength and conditioning gym located in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a certified Starting Strength Coach and a former modern dancer. Prior to opening my gym in 2011, I was the school director of

Nutrients for DNA Damage and Repair: Spotlight on Telomere Health

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage in the body is responsible for both normal aging and the emergence of different health conditions.1 Certain lifestyle choices, such as unprotected exposure to ultraviolet radiation or consuming unhealthy foods, can increase the amount of DNA damage incurred daily.2 Making lifestyle changes, such as improving one’s

Learn to Row: An Introduction to Rowing Machines

Using the rowing machine, also known as an ergometer (erg), is a great way to get a full-body workout. However, it is crucial to use the proper technique in order to get an effective workout.  Technique The row stroke has four components: catch, drive, finish, and recovery.  Catch: The catch


Walnuts are packed with essential macro- and micronutrients. One ounce of walnuts (about 14 halves) provides 4.3g of protein, 1.9g of fiber, 13.4g of polyunsaturated fatty acids (including 10.8g of linoleic acid and 2.6g of alpha-linolenic acid [ALA]), 98.1mg of phosphorous, 44.8mg of magnesium, 0.97mg of manganese, 0.45mg of copper,

Seeing Red: Understanding the Pathology of Pink Eye

Your eyes might itch, swell, and water during allergy season, but one symptom can really cause heads to turn. Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a generic term that describes inflammation of an ocular membrane and subsequent reddening of the eye.1 However, this reaction isn’t limited to allergy season.

Weight training for strength versus muscle growth

Lifting weights in a weight room or home gym is a great way to improve multiple facets of physical and mental health. A wonderful aspect of strength training is the ability of the trainer to modify the variables of the training plan in order to achieve different goals. One of


Creatine is a compound that is derived from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine.1 The body needs 1 to 3g of creatine per day to maintain normal stores, about half of which comes from the diet and half of which is synthesized in the body, mostly in the kidneys

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About Nutrition Health Review & The Vegetus Foundation

The Vegetus Foundation was founded by Frank Ray Rifkin, a former member of United States Army and serviceman in World War II, as a charitable endeavor dedicated to helping Americans improve their quality of life through education on healthy living. In 1979, shortly after the starting Foundation, Frank Ray published the first issue of Nutrition Health Review—the Consumer’s Medical Journal® (NHR)—to assist the Vegetus Foundation in achieving its mission. Since that time, over 150 issues of NHR have been published.

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